Everyone starts to pay attention when Tuan Haji Karim taking places in front to start the briefing and explanation.
At 2.50 pm, Tuan Haji Karim, as our speaker in this event, gonna brief and explain to all the participant in this event about Turtles, their habitats, their conservation effort and the important of marine eco-system to human. Sometimes he create a jokes to cheer up the crowd. He’s a really good in explaining things to participant and also very nice and funny speaker as well. All the participant shows good interest listening and asking question to our speaker showing that they really enjoying themselves that time. The briefing finish at 3.40 pm and all the participant were asking to go Cherating Turtles Information Centre for our next event.
All the participant were slowly walked toward Cherating Turtles Information Centre Building lead by Tuan Haji Karim and his staff.
Lead by Tuan Haji Karim and his staff, he then showing live leatherback and olive-ridley turtles here and newly hatches baby turtles, which is hatches around 3 days ago. He explained their circles of lifes more details, their diet and also showing other sea lifes creatures there including tortoise or tuntung species in Malaysia. The participant are amused with what they saw and started talking and trying to touch those living creatures. God know hows thrill and happy they are, seeing learning and feeling this beautiful creatures. Hopefully this is a new beginning to them to learn and explore more about their own heritages.The journey at Cherating Turtles Information Centre finished at around 4.15 pm that evening.
Lead by Tuan Haji Karim and his staff, he then showing live leatherback and olive-ridley turtles here and newly hatches baby turtles, which is hatches around 3 days ago. He explained their circles of lifes more details, their diet and also showing other sea lifes creatures there including tortoise or tuntung species in Malaysia. The participant are amused with what they saw and started talking and trying to touch those living creatures. God know hows thrill and happy they are, seeing learning and feeling this beautiful creatures. Hopefully this is a new beginning to them to learn and explore more about their own heritages.The journey at Cherating Turtles Information Centre finished at around 4.15 pm that evening.
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