Monday, October 29


After trip to Information centre, all the participant getting back to waiting hall and get ready to perform asar prayer, which is also conducted by Tuan Haji Karim. For us, what we are trying to give in our programme is not only educations about turtles, the importants of marine eco-system and preservations towards a better lifes, we also learn that religious obligation is also important in order to to balances things in our life..

After asar prayer, all the participant were told to go to the hut besides the waiting hall for a refreshment. They then had their refreshment down at the places that we have been arranged for them.Whats on menu?? Bihun goreng with popia served with hot tea. Not only that, they can enjoyed it by the beach seems like they all were in picnic with their friends..

After a refreshment and a rest, all the participant gathered together to perform a clean up activities inside Cherating Sanctuary Centre. With the help from MPK, we slowly run the activities with programme participant.Theres not so many rubbish around here, but one of our objectives in this programme is to educate them about the importance of environment cleanliness in our lifes. To us, its also a part of education not only to them, but also to all the participant that joined todays programme.

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